Cono Sur Organic Pinot Noir 2015
Pinot Noir
Central Valley, Chile
- 87
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Retailer | Link To Info | Price |
BCLDB | 77644 | $13.99 |
SAQ | 11386877 | $15.55 |
Critic Reviews (3)
Has almost a syrah feel to it so as a pinot noir, might dissapoint the purists. That being said, for a lighter...
Engaging nose, typical New World, a slightly smoky side; the palate, the wine has surprisingly body is almost rich...
The flavors of ripe fruits testify, marked by black cherries, flowers and anise; Healthy acidity ensures tone and...
Community Reviews (1)
Packed with bright red furit, herb and meaty aromas. Not so elegant, but good. Like blaufrankish meets new world pinot and syrah.