Grange of Prince Edward

Grange of Prince Edward Map
990 Closson Road,
Hillier, K0K 2J0

May-Oct, daily 11am - 5pm
Nov-Apr, daily 12pm - 4pm

Tour Hours:

May-Oct, daily 3pm
Nov-May, by appointment

More experiential private and group tours available by reservation.

The County’s largest vineyard and winery is also one of the most popular for visitors and photographers: In an idyllic pastoral setting, a grand Loyalist barn houses the tasting room and barrel cellar. Robert Granger and daughter Caroline began planting grapes in 2001, increasing production to 20 hectares by 2009. Taut, mineral-driven Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Gamay, Cab Franc and Pinot Gris anchor the Trumpour’s Mill line, with the first, layered Grange of Prince Edward premium wines released in 2007. In 2009 came their first - and exciting - sparkling, Brut. Light meals, art shows and picnics by the millpond are all part of the engaging ambience.

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