Ann Allchin

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Reviews (6)
Xanadu Cabernet Sauvignon 2004, Margaret River
Western Australia, Australia$19.95
This is a good, reliable bottle. Would be a crowd pleaser. Tasty and full.
Tedeschi Amarone Della Valpolicella Classico 2004, Doc, Veneto
Veneto, Italy$42.95
This wine is nice. Surprised me with its sweetness
Rodney Strong Cabernet Sauvignon 2005, Sonoma County
California, Usa$22.95
My first impression of this was not good, but it grew on me. Full and reliable, but maybe better with food?
Blackstone Cabernet Sauvignon 2006, California
California, Usa$15.95
Not bad. More on the jammy side than the warm side. I'd probably drink it again.
Sileni Estates Cellar Selection Pinot Noir 2007, Hawke's Bay, North Island
New Zealand$17.95
Drinkable, but not a fav. Made sense when I read that it was young.